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A Woman With A Purpose

Locally Established in St. Petersburg, FL

I was born and raised in sunny St. Petersburg Florida, and I happily established my business here. I've been locally serving & volunteering in Pinellas, Pasco, and Hillsborough counties since 2010! Although I've been blessed enough to serve clients all around the world, I will always have pride for my home.

Christian Based Guidance and Faith

Some spiritual advisors use specific religious or spiritual faiths as their guidance. What sets me aside from other spiritual advisors is that I work solely with the Christian faith. This means that the guidance I give is protected by God and the White light.

Outreach Around the World

Although I serve in person in Florida, I have outreach all around the rest of the world! I've been lucky enough to speak to clients from Germany to Taiwan, and from Colorado to Canada! Soul sessions can be virtual or over the phone, that way no matter where you are located, I can give you the guidance you need.

Inclusive for Everyone

Soul sessions are non judgmental; they're suited for souls of every background.  My goal is to guide you and help you on your spiritual path. I aim to restore your faith in whatever spirituality or religion you practice. Inclusivity and safety is my priority!

Meet Soulworker Stacy Renee.

Spiritual Advisor & Personal Development Specialist

Hi! I'm Stacy. I'm a spiritual advisor and personal development specialist, or to put in my own twist, I'm a Soulworker. I provide soul-based guidance and direction through God and the Universe. Unlike a typical psychic medium or clairvoyant, I use my gifts through God and the white light. I don't use any crystal balls, tarots, or boards, and I don't need to know personal information like your birthdate to read you. I just use my natural abilities to communicate what your soul needs to hear. I provide healing, guidance, and connection while also giving you tools for you to use in the future as well! My goal when you leave your session is for you to feel like you're heading in the right direction, and my job in the long term is to help guide you onto the right path. Curious? Click on the "about" tab to learn more!


Need Some Guidance?

 You've come to the right place. Although every session is different, there is always one common goal: to give your soul the guidance and healing necessary. This may be done by connecting you with loved ones from heaven, giving you advice on your future path, or giving you the tools necessary to be the best YOU that you can be. Learn more about Soul Sessions with Soulworker Stacy Renee, and how they can forever change your life.

Making an Impact

“Stacy is so amazing! she doesn't treat you like a client but like a friend. She followed up with me after sessions to check on me. She's honest and kind. She was spot on about my mother who passed on things no one, not even family knew. She helped in my healing and grief in connecting me with both of my parents who passed. She also had me pass on messages from my loved ones to my other loved ones who haven't passed. She's the most amazing sweetest person and I am blessed to have met her!”

- Neomi A.

“I had been a skeptic for the first 34 years of my life. A trusted friend mentioned Stacy to me many times over the past several years and her experience sparked my interest. I ended up reaching out to seek relationship insight about a year ago and have spoken with her several times since. Stacy knew things that no one should have known. I can’t explain it, she just knew. Her guidance and words have carried me through some of the worst times of my life.”

- Sheena T.

“I’ve had two sessions with Stacy. Both were honestly life changing. She has given me answers and peace regarding the tragic passing of a loved one and given amazing guidance and confirmation of issues I am struggling with in my life. Each session was unique and empowering. I feel very certain of her gifts for imparting the information my soul needed to hear in each session... I would highly recommend her to others seeking some personalized life guidance and healing. Thank you Stacy for your tremendous help.”

- Julia M.

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